Monday, August 18, 2008

Pray for Jake Gregory

I don't know this young woman, but she has obviously had a tremendous effect on the lives around her. Please take a moment to pray for the family of this child of God and that He would restore her fully to the life she had before this tragic accident.


Liz said...

Thank you so much for posting this...

Jharder said...

My pleasure Liz. God is at work and completely sufficient. Pray continually.

Sarah Marie said...

I have had the privelege of working with this wonderful and spunky young lady. She is such a joy and is need in so much prayer. God can still do miracles.

Liz said...

I can't believe how good God is...I am in awe.
She is doing SOO much better. She is talking and moving and writing...they have moved her into rehab now, so pray for that, because that is probably going to be the hardest thing...just trying to re-learn a lottt of stuff.
But she is improving everyday!!!!!

Anonymous said...

hi this is walter i went to school with jake and was trying to find any information on how she is doing can anybody tell me anything if you need more info from me send me an email at any info would be greatly appreciated. thank you.