Thursday, October 23, 2008

My daddy is showing off!

So I had a conversation several weeks ago with a friend about a sunset we had both seen that kind of amazed us. So if you see a post that looks similar to this don't think that I am copying it. With my new job I have been able to see my father's handy work in action. I've been able to see a lot of sunsets and sunrises lately. Here are but a few that I would like to share with you.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Be Thankful

So everywhere I seem to turn lately people seem so unhappy. When I am at work people are cursing their computers, talking about each other behind their backs, constantly griping about doing their jobs. When did people become so unhappy? I went to bread co for lunch the other day and the lady said hurriedly "Have a nice day." I cordially replied "You too." When I said that she muttered under her breath "Not until I get out of this place." What has happened? Life has seemed to so burden people that they've forgotten how to be happy. They've forgotten what it means to love what they do. Sure life is stressful. Sure the economy is bad. Take a moment though and look around. It has been so beautiful lately. Go outside and just look up. Be thankful for something....anything. It's time people. Life is passing you by too quickly to just tolerate it. Enjoy it!