Saturday, December 5, 2009

Raise My Ebenezer

So I know I say this probably every time I write something, but I really haven't done this in a while. I mean like actually write a real post. So here is just a little bit of what I've been learning lately.

Recently I've been thinking about how I would love know the old cliche..."move on to big and better things"

While I am extremely thankful for having a job I just want to start moving towards my dreams. I suppose I am doing that, but at times it just feels like I'm trying to run through molasses. Know the feeling? Perhaps I'm inpatient. I just want it to happen now! I've always been that way a little bit though.....ok a lot bit.

As I was analyzing my work habits, spending habits, etc. I realized that I am not being the best steward of those things. No, not enough that people would take notice. In a lot of cases probably not even enough that people would see anything wrong with them. While I'm not anywhere near going bankrupt I have noticed that I'm much more quick to buy a $5 latte than save it for house repairs. Or go out to dinner with friends rather than stay in and save to possibly buy a coat for someone who is using newspaper as their blanket rather than the plush afghan I nap under. I suppose, as most do, I feel if I have money in the bank then I'm doing something right.

The other day I was talking through some of these things with a friend. Ok I was actually texting it because, you know, texting is totally the new face to face relationship. As I was sharing my thoughts to him he exclaimed to me "Raise your ebenezer!" I wasn't too sure what he was wanting me to do. I'm not sure he knew why he instructed me to do so either. However, it led us in an interesting direction of conversation. We started to talk about the old hymn where that line is sung. The line comes from the bible verse 1 Samuel 7:12

Samuel lifted a stone as a mark for what God had done. It was a symbol, a defining point.

Well while I don't have a giant rock to lift up in the air I do have this blog. I hope that in writing this I will think back and remember it and what God has been teaching me when faced with the little decisions. Do I buy a latte and a muffin or an entire bag of coffee that I can make at home that will last a few weeks? Do I go out to the movies or do I rent one for a dollar? Yes they seem like small and meaningless decisions, but I think these are ways to be smart for one and more importantly to honor God in the small things.

After thinking through these thoughts I was reminded of the parable of the talents. We are trusted with time, money, resources, talents and we are most certainly responsible for what we do with them. So:


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