For those of you who dont know I work, during the work week, as a custodian at a special school by my house. Not too glamorous, but it pays the bills. This morning I was thinking about our maintenance shed and how everything seems to have a place. One thing in particular that we have is the place where we keep our folders. It's where we have all of our work orders, memos, newsletters, etc. When we walk in we check our folders to see what's on the list for the day then put it back and go about our business for the rest of the day. Now granted if I told a stranger to go into the shop to find my folder they would probably be at a loss. The shed is filled with tools, cabinets, tractors, gators, supplies. (this ain't your gpa's shed behind the house). Since I've been working here, despite the massive space, I know exactly where to go to to find my folder. (Stay with me. I'm getting to a point.)
My thought is this...maybe it's a bit of a stretch. What if we treated our God as this place where we keep our folders. I like to call it the folder holder. We come in knowing where this spot is, check our folders (or maybe somedays not even that), then just go about our days paying little mind to our king. Now I know that every analogy has a breakdown but the thought is this. I feel as though I can, in my own mind, confine God (or His word) to this space and then just set it down and go about my day uneffected. Is it more comforting to me for God to have a space and time without letting it "ruin" the rest of my day. I mean what if God prompted me to bring up his name in conversation? What if he laid it on my heart to help someone in need when I'm late for a party with friends? What if he calls me to give financially in a way that would cause me to have to restructure my whole budget? The fact is that God is not confined by space or time. He created it. I feel like he did that for us. I always hear people say they wish there were more hours in the day, but shoot, we can't even properly prioritize 24 hours.
If you are ready for God to move in your life I prepared. Get ready for an insane ride. If you can't stand the idea of God rocking your plans and intenions for your own life then don't shake your fist at the sky in wonder at why God is not moving in your life. I don't pretend to have this perfected or even somewhat together. Generally when I write it's a way of preaching at myself.
So let's let go of our control on our lives. Let's just begin to move, constantly praying, and see where God takes us as he lights our path one step at a time.