Friday, January 1, 2010

10 years of life in 60 seconds.

So I've been reading a lot of updates and blogs that people have posted about the happenings of their life over the past ten years. I thought I would do the same. I'll put it in list format as to not tire you. Here are some significant events that have happened:

Got my drivers liscence
Graduated high school
Worked at a camp for 3 summers that was 4 hours from home
Went on a mission trip to Spain
Moved into my own house
Changed church membership from my church as a youth
Graduated college
The only dog I ever had growing up died
Dad was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor (completely romoved)
Both grandmothers had serious illness
One of them was in and out of the hospital for a year and since has gone to be with the Lord
Started my own business

I know there is so much more than that, but those are just some of the biggies. Here's hoping we all remember some of the milestones in life so we can learn and grow from mistakes and lessons. A lot can happen in a short amount of time.

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