Thursday, July 10, 2008


So I feel like I haven't posted in a while. Life has been kind of crazy. Looking for a job, grandma's in the hospital, trying to start my own little business. Craziness. Well so far to update you, I don't have a job yet (still searching), grandma is still in the hospital still feeling terrible, and I actually have been getting some business with the photography thing. That's the most exciting thing going on right now. In a few short weeks I will be photographing my first wedding. That was unexpected and completely exciting. I've also had several other opportunities to shoot for people. It feels like it's actually kind of taking off. I can't wait to see what God has planned in that area of my life. I've tried to make a small change in life recently by removing the antenna from my television. That's right, no more tv. Well ok I still watch movies, but no tv. It's funny (well maybe not that funny) how much tv I realize I was actually watching. Every time I sit on the couch I think, well what am I going to do now? I've become painfully aware of how much time I was wasting. So I decided that I should be reading more to replace this new found voided blocks of time. I work at a book store and so I have acquired quite the collection yet have had no time to read them. Well, have not made time to read them. I just bought another book called Crazy love. It is written by Francis Chan. I can't wait to continue reading it. I've only gotten two chapters in so far, but it's been great so far. Try it. Slow down. Take a breath and read. More to come.

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